Even Better than Expected: CDC Proves Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccines

By Dr. Luci Mario Kovacevic, Cascade Health’s Medical Director of Occupational Medicine

While the pace of COVID-19 vaccinations is ramping up quickly, there continues to be some lingering questions from the general public about the overall effectiveness and necessity of the approved vaccines. So, I was very excited to read about the latest findings from a massive Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study. It looked at the efficacy of both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines among frontline workers.

The study conclusively proved that both of these two-dose vaccines reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection by 90%.

This study was conducted for three months among nearly 4,000 subjects in the highest risk categories for COVID-19 exposures including health care workers, first responders and essential workers. Unlike previous trials, participants were tested weekly for COVID-19 virus, regardless of symptoms.

As a practicing physician for many years, I can tell you that these findings are quite extraordinary. By testing the vaccines in people in real-world, high-risk situations, the CDC’s study gave ample opportunity to see if COVID-19 could cause infection in vaccinated persons. Further, by testing everyone weekly, regardless of symptoms, the study was designed to find even the smallest traces of viable virus.

Despite having conditions favorable for COVID-19 transmission, the vaccines performed extremely well.

This thorough and well-designed study instills tremendous confidence in both the effectiveness and the need for the vaccine. The results overwhelmingly show that the faster we get everyone vaccinated, the sooner we can return to life as we knew it before the virus.The CDC press release is here for your review. After you read it, I believe you will come to the same conclusion as myself and other physicians. When it is your turn to get vaccinated, don’t hesitate to roll up your sleeve. The results are even better than expected.


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