Cascade Health Hospice provides expert care and compassionate support in Eugene and Springfield, Oregon. Hospice care helps you and your family find comfort and peace in the final phase of life.
If you or a loved one has a life-limiting illness, contact us for a no-cost in-home consultation that will help you understand your options and see if hospice is right for you.
Hospice Care for End-of-Life Comfort
Cathie’s Hospice Story
When Cathie's mother-in-law began to decline in health she knew she needed
in-home support and called Cascade Health. Watch as she describes the amazing impact that our Hospice program had on her family as they navigated her loved one's end-of-life journey.
What is Hospice?
Hospice, or end-of-life care, is a holistic approach to care for people with a life expectancy of about six months. When you are no longer likely to benefit from or do not wish to continue curative treatments (such as chemotherapy), hospice steps in to help you enjoy the best quality of life possible by controlling your symptoms. This gives you and your loved ones the opportunity to focus on making the most of the time you have left together.
At Cascade Health, our skilled and caring team treats you with the dignity and respect you deserve and seeks to empower you and affirm your end-of-life choices. We work with you to develop a customized care plan that not only relieves your physical symptoms but also addresses your social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing — and those of the people you love.
Holistic, All-Inclusive Hospice Services
Hospice is an all-inclusive service. Cascade Health Hospice provides:
✅ All medical care related to the condition for which you were referred (acute care, such as if you break a bone, would continue to be handled by appropriate outside providers).
✅ Focus on pain and symptom management to keep you comfortable.
✅ Regular visits in your home, the frequency of which will change as your needs change.
✅ All medications are delivered to your home.
✅ All medical equipment is delivered and set up in your home, including training for you and your caregiver(s).
✅ 24/7 on-call access to a hospice nurse, including weekends and holidays.
✅ Guidance, emotional support and assistance locating additional services as needed.
✅ Long-term grief support for survivors.
✅ Spiritual guidance.
✅ Visits from certified nursing assistants to assist with personal care.
✅ Access to respite care stays at Pete Moore Hospice House to allow caregivers to rest, take care of out-of-town business or have time for self-care.
✅ Volunteer assistance and alternative comfort care measures.
Hospice Facts
Hospice is a service, not a place. Most hospice patients receive care where they live: a house, apartment, retirement community or anywhere else they call home.
Hospice is intended for people with a life expectancy of up to six months, not just for those who are dying in days or weeks.
Hospice is not condition-specific. There are many circumstances that can qualify you for hospice — you do not have to have a certain diagnosis like cancer.
You have the right to choose your hospice provider. Please ask for Cascade Health by name.
Hospice services are fully covered by Medicare, Medicaid/Oregon Health Plan and most private insurance companies.
Hospice volunteers may be able to provide additional services such as companionship, help with errands or complimentary comfort services such as massage, music therapy, pet therapy and more.
Spiritual and grief counseling are available to you and your family throughout your time on hospice and beyond.
High Marks for High Quality Hospice Care
Cascade Health is the oldest and only independent, nonprofit hospice organization in Lane County. When you choose Cascade Health Hospice, you can be confident that you and your family will receive the highest quality care available regardless of your diagnosis or prognosis. And, as the operator of the only hospice house in Eugene-Springfield, we offer the greatest range of care options to meet your changing needs. We also receive excellent scores on the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) Survey given to every family.
To view all our satisfaction scores, visit Medicare’s Care Compare site.
“Hospice care for me and my husband was exceptional! They were so attentive to my needs and my husband’s. I appreciate how caring and kind everyone was in this difficult time. Thank you.”
— Wife of Cascade Health Hospice patient
When to Consider Hospice
Hospice is intended to improve the quality of life for people with a life expectancy of six months or less. But there is no single sign that it may be time to consider hospice. In general, you may currently or soon meet the medical guidelines for hospice care if you experience:
Unintended, prolonged weight loss.
Weakness or fatigue that doesn’t go away.
A decline in the effectiveness of curative treatments or side effects that cause more suffering than benefit.
An inability to perform normal daily activities.
Repeated visits to the hospital.
A decline in mental awareness.
A diagnosis of a life-limiting illness such as cancer, cardiac disease, Alzheimer’s, ALS or other serious diseases.
If you are concerned by any of these symptoms, we encourage you to talk to your doctor or call us to speak to a Cascade Health intake specialist at (541) 228-3050.

Respite Care at Pete Moore Hospice House
Caring for a loved one on hospice can be demanding. Cascade Health’s Pete Moore Hospice House is the only inpatient hospice facility in Lane County and allows us to offer unpaid caregivers time away to regenerate while knowing their loved ones are cared for and safe in a comfortable environment.
Medicare/Insurance coverage: Respite care is covered in full by Medicare and most private insurance companies.
Covered stay: Up to 5 days every 6 months

Inpatient Care at Pete Moore Hospice House
General Inpatient Care (GIP) is the most medically intensive level of care and is available when symptoms cannot be managed well at home. Eligibility for GIP care is based on specific Medicare criteria and is usually short-term.
Medicare/Insurance coverage: GIP care is fully covered by Medicare and most private insurance companies.
Covered stay: As needed.
The typical duration of stay: 5 days or fewer.

Residential Care at Pete Moore Hospice House
Some people prefer not to spend the end of their lives at home or do not have adequate support to do so. Residential care at Pete Moore Hospice House provides all standard home care services as well as room and board.
Medicare/Insurance coverage: The medical portion of residential care is covered by Medicare and most private insurance companies. The patient/family is responsible for daily room and board charges of $595.
Covered stay: At will while eligible for hospice.
Understand Your Options
A Cascade Health Hospice intake specialist can help you and your family determine your eligibility for hospice care and help you determine which type of care suits you best.
For more information about Cascade Health Hospice, visit: For Patients and Families or For Providers.
Cascade Health Hospice cares for people in Lane County, Oregon, including Eugene, Springfield, Cottage Grove, Junction City, Creswell, Monroe, Veneta, Noti, Blue River, McKenzie Highway, Harrisburg, Sweet Home, Oakridge, Coburg, and Lowell.
No. Cascade Health Hospice will provide all the care, medication and equipment for the terminal illness that brought about the admission to hospice. You can continue to receive treatment for any other non-hospice medical problems you have or may develop to ensure that you continue to have the best quality of life possible.
Medicare, Medicaid/Oregon Health Plan and most private insurance plans cover the costs of hospice. Usually, Cascade Health is able to bill your insurance company directly, but an intake specialist will be able to provide specific details about your insurance coverage.
Yes. You may be referred by your physician, a family member or self-refer. However, two physicians must assess and certify that hospice is appropriate for you. This is typically done by your physician and Cascade Health’s medical director.
Hospice care is intended for the end of life and neither hastens death nor prolongs life, whereas palliative care focuses on improving quality of life for the long-term. Palliative care is appropriate for anyone with a serious illness at any stage and patients may continue with aggressive curative treatments. Hospice is for people with a prognosis of six months or less.
You may choose to revoke hospice care at any time if you wish to reestablish a curative plan. As long as you are still eligible for hospice, you may also return to hospice later if you wish.