Care for Workplace Injuries
Workplace injuries happen, despite everyone’s best efforts. When they do, Cascade Occupational Health is dedicated to helping you get your injured employees back to work quickly and safely.
As Lane County’s largest and most trusted occupational health provider, we help workers at more than 3,000 local businesses regain function, strength and morale after an injury. We also have years of experience helping employers and employees develop effective return-to-work strategies and navigate the workers’ compensation claim process.
Learn more about how Cascade Occupational Health can help your business and employees realize the benefits of prompt, professional injury care, including:
✅ Reducing the risk of on-the-job injuries.
✅ Ensuring employees aren’t assigned to jobs that aren’t safe for them to perform.
✅ Keeping you in compliance with state and federal regulations.
✅ Promoting a culture of health at work.
✅ Identifying employee health problems early, when they can still be mitigated.
✅ Preventing the spread of common diseases at work.
✅ Learn more about our physical exam services below and contact us for more information. We’ll help you build an exam program to reach your workplace wellness goals.
Expertise and Responsiveness
Cascade Health’s occupational health providers are board-certified on-the-job injury specialists. With years of training and experience focused specifically on workplace health, they understand how a fast, comprehensive response is crucial to helping people regain normal function after an injury or illness — and to reducing the associated employer costs. Our injury care program has been developed to offer:
Responsive, same-day care for injured employees in most cases.
Transportation from the work site to our clinic through our Mobile Health program.
In-house physical and occupational therapy to get injured employees into a rehabilitation program as quickly as possible.
Coordination of care and clear communication with medical providers, employees, employers and insurance payors to keep everyone up to date on treatment plans and return-to-work status.
An employer portal for easy access to documentation.
Consultations, site visits and supervisor orientations to help businesses develop and implement clear plans for workplace injury prevention and response.
Our knowledgeable, caring occupational health specialists know that getting injured employees back to work as quickly as is safe is best for employees, employers and society. That’s why we champion return-to-work strategies as part of a healthy, comprehensive injury recovery program. The following facts show why:
Returning to work quickly promotes recovery, leads to better health outcomes, reduces economic hardship and improves quality of life for workers.
Retaining a trained worker by providing modified or light duty until they return to full capacity saves employers significant turnover expense and results in higher productivity and a healthier work atmosphere.
Returning people to work benefits everyone by contributing to the tax base and economy, and costing social programs less.
The longer an injured employee is not working, the less likely they are to return to work at all.
We will help you develop safe return-to-work plans that may include suggestions for work modifications, extra supports or light duty for injured employees until they return to full capacity.