The new A, B, C’s of CPR

Sudden cardiac arrest can occur with absolutely no warning. Often this sudden, unexpected event can startle and alarm bystanders. Did you know that you can play a very pivotal roll in saving someone’s life during a cardiac arrest? Here is how!

Tragically more than 383,000 people in America suffer from sudden cardiac arrest outside of a hospital each year. 88% of these cardiac arrests occur at home and less than 8% of these individuals survive the event

We know that CPR can save lives, but did you know that your love for music could be the key to your success?

In 2008 the American Heart Association introduced “Hands Only CPR”. This simplified hands only CPR requires a bystander to quickly begin fast chest compressions on the unresponsive, non-breathing victim while waiting for help to arrive. Want to know the musical part? Simply follow the beat of “Staying Alive” by the Bee Gee’s and you’ll be right on track for the 100 beats per minute rate that provides the most effective circulation in the blood stream.

We direct these compressions to the center of the chest on the sternum in order to generate blood flow throughout the body. This blood flow helps to maintain cell life while waiting for further medical assistance to arrive. When sudden cardiac arrest first occurs, the body has enough oxygen stored up in the blood stream to circulate during CPR without any need for mouth to mouth resuscitation. This makes it that much easier for the average person to help! Truth is, in cases when bystanders provided hands only CPR, the victim had a two to three times greater chance of survival then someone who had no help.

When a sudden cardiac arrest occurs here are a few key tips to remember:

  • Your safety matters, be careful that you are not in danger when trying to help someone, and don’t take a chance of hurting yourself in the process - if you’re hurt, you’re no help to them!

  • Call 9-1-1 first, or have someone call for you - this gets help there as fast as possible.

  • If the person is not breathing or responsive, begin hands only CPR as soon as possible to provide for the best chance of their survival.

  • Continue the compressions with as few interruptions as possible while you wait for help to arrive.

CPR is very important because, as previously stated, 88% of cardiac arrest occurs at home. Just think about it, put very simply, the life you save with CPR is mostly likely going to be someone you love.

If you would like more information on personally learning CPR or having a CPR class presented in your workplace, please feel free to contact MedExpress for more information. Our highly trained EMT’s and Paramedics would love to teach your group CPR!

Last modified on Thursday, 15 November 2012


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