
As I participate in a training exercise related to securing and maintaining the trust of others, I am reminded of the high value of integrity. Webster defines Integrity as “the quality of being honest and fair.” How does this apply to me?

Many people view integrity as something that was developed long before we entered the workforce, something greatly influenced by how we were raised, by what experiences we had when we were young, and by our internal beliefs and faith systems. Others feel integrity is something that is displayed by those following rules or those consistently being compliant to stated guidelines. What are your thoughts on integrity? How do you feel it influences a person’s credibility?

In his book, “The Speed of Trust,” Stephen M.R. Covey gives tips for increasing your integrity, and one has struck home for me: “Make and Keep Commitments to Yourself.”

Who consciously thinks about keeping commitments to himself? I’m guilty of being a strict disciplinarian in keeping commitments I’ve made to others but not even blinking an eye to ignoring commitments I’ve made to myself. I’ve recently become convicted that this thought is similar to “You can’t love others until you’ve learned to love yourself.”  This week I’ve been working diligently on this. I’ve scheduled appointments for things I’ve been putting off for months – an eye exam, a mammography, a dental checkup.

By learning to make and keep commitments to myself, I hope to strengthen my integrity, starting with myself!


Self-Care for Stepparents


Changing….One Tiny Habit at a Time