Holiday Success

The holidays can bring out the best and worst… it’s a lovely time of year, but it can be stressful or trigger overeating of those holiday treats and beverages. Having a plan is one of the best ways to help set yourself up for success. Below are some of our favorites here at the Diabetes and Nutrition Education department:

Non-food rewards – sometimes we’re in the habit of reaching for food when we’re upset. Instead, consider a warm cup of tea, listening to your favorite music, a warm bath, a visit with a friend, looking at lights and decorations or some other non-food way of reminding yourself of the many good things that accompany the holiday season.

Move more – an outdoor stroll or a walk around the house can help get your blood moving and your mind off the lure of sugary treats. Exercise also works as an appetite suppressant.

5 (or more!) veggies and fruits – eating something nutritious not only nourishes your body, but can help you keep focus of your goal of working towards good health and better habits.

Allow yourself a special holiday treat – go ahead and have an occasional treat! After all, the goal is not to deprive yourself. However, as you become more mindful of your habits, your goals, and what it is you really want, your body should get better at telling you what those treats are. It takes practice, but learning to trust yourself and to enjoy a few of the things you love instead of many of the things you don’t care about is the key to having a healthy relationship with food.Enjoy the wonders of the season!


Helpful Tips for Walker Use at Home


Eating for Health