How Can We Help Our Teens?

Teen suicide is unfortunately on the rise in Lane County, and here at Cascade Behavioral Health we care deeply for the youth in our community and are looking for even more ways to be of assistance to this age group. Often teens are unprepared when it comes to mental health issues, and do not know how to respond or deal with their own depression much less the struggles facing their peer group. It is important that we educate our kids on how to respond when friends make comments about suicide, or if they themselves are having suicidal thoughts.

Parents, please have the following conversation with your children. If someone tells your child they are thinking about suicide, they need to tell an adult as soon as possible. If they see a social media post eluding to thoughts of suicide or severe depression and self-harm, they need to tell an adult.

If someone contacts them or posts something saying they HAVE done something to attempt suicide, are about to, or are actively considering it at that moment, then they need to call 911.

Please do not assume your kid knows how to handle these situations. It is important to have open dialogue with your children about mental health issues and to be aware if they are showing any signs of depression. If you need more information on what to look for, please contact us at 541-345-2800.

The attached list of resources can be printed and handed out to teenagers or shared on social media. Please give your teens a copy and encourage them to share it with their friends.




Practice Gratitude - Simple but Powerful